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Date Posted: Thursday, December 09, 10:46:13am
Author: Seen on Miltenberger St
Subject: Prov = Big East, Big East = best conference ever, best conference = most coverage, screw everyone else
In reply to: TimB 's message, "Today's Pgh Post Gazette (p. C4) says it all about the state of Duquesne basketball in this town. We get a 4 inch column about the same size as an adjacent article on Penn State's women BB, while the BC - Providence games gets a bold-headlined spread about with about five times the ink! Pretty sad." on Thursday, December 09, 10:30:24am

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  • We should not think it is bad because PSU gets more press. Sure we are not in PSU's class, but we played them pretty well last week without getting blown out. It was great to see the Dukes at PSU and I'm looking forward to seeing PSU visit the Dukes next season. (NT) -- Mid State Duke, Thursday, December 09, 01:47:53pm

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