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Date Posted: Friday, December 10, 02:45:11pm
Author: VBC
Subject: I know that Tom does travel to the South Hills. His father ran the business before him and they've been in business for over 50 years and have an excellent reputation. You may have to book him 2 to 3 months in advance.
In reply to: c 's message, "thanks for the info...possibly doing some remodeling early next year and will google this guys info...i am in the south hills, close enough to the mon valley...and Im still waiting for the carpet guys" on Friday, December 10, 12:57:52pm

Villella Remodeling is fully insured. (Including workers' comp for all of his employees. Some contractors pay their employees as subcontractors and don't cover them on WC. If the employee gets hurt on the job it is then the homeowner's problem. Tom doesn't work like that.)

They are also not cheap. You'll pay a little more than you might to someone else, but you'll get what you pay for - top quality work at a fair price.

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