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Date Posted: Friday, December 10, 08:39:17pm
Author: TKE/81
Subject: It's not the lousy monthly fee , thats a drop in the bucket....but to charge anything for what they are putting out is a total disgrace....Doesn't matter what they charge I'd be willing to pay season ticket prices , to see a well broadcast home game....the thing is that if I was hired by a corporation , a school , or a private client and I put out such the crap that they are putting out...I'd be fired on the spot and justifiably so....
In reply to: TKE/81 's message, "Could do this stuff in my sleep.....I've shot over 500 Multi-camera special events, from sports, events like Baseball, Basketball....A person with a current cell phone and laptop computer and Skype could do a better job covering the game than Duquesne does on the Dukes Basketball broadcast....this not a difficult or costly thing to do....its embarrassment and can you believe $ 4.99 a month for it .....It's a joke ..." on Friday, December 10, 02:13:20am

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