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Date Posted: Saturday, December 11, 11:00:27am
Author: Phoenix Rising
Subject: TKE/81, I totally agree. It's completely unacceptable in 2010 to have a 3rd world country quality broadcast. The same thing applies with the game day atmosphere (although slowly getting better after 5 years), use of the new scoreboards, etc. I don't think that any of this stuff has been made a priority by the University adminstration. I don't think the resources have been provided to the athletic dept. If the resources have been given to the AD, then the hammer wielded by the administration should fall on the AD. Has anyone talked to Charlie on these issues?
In reply to: TKE/81 's message, "Sorry if I high-jack your thread Clk but...I welcome all you Duquesne Fans to check out the video.....its speaks to my previous post about the horrible, lousy quality of our home video braodcasts...it stuns me that thre are so few on here that care...everybody seems to be happy with the status quo.... You guys can settle but not me, I'm not going to settle for anything less than a professional product!!!!!" on Friday, December 10, 09:16:29pm

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  • Also, I don't think the university administration understands that for many people, the ONLY direct interaction with Duquesne will be through game attendance or buying a video feed to watch their team play. What do you think those 100 or so IUPUI fans are going to think about Duquesne after they see our "quality" broadcast? It just reflects badly on Duquesne. (NT) -- Phoenix Rising, Saturday, December 11, 11:06:04am

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