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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 15, 07:04:49am
Author: El Duque
Subject: Whiney? Sound like a second grader? You are typically more capable of having a conversation on a higher plane and intellectual level. I am neither complaining nor making excuses; it's fairly common knowledge that the BCS teams have the advantages to which I refer, While non-BCS teams occassionally succeed against them, go look at the percentages, They will support my argument. Duke, BTW, belongs to the ACC.
In reply to: Greg 's message, "respect your opinion but this is kind of whiney. Richmond, Dayton and Xavier beat BCS schools....hell Oakland went to Tenn and whipped #7. I think its silly to make excuses some of which just are not accurate. You sound like a 2nd grader on this. The Dukes can beat BCS teams....just need to get better players like X, Dayton and Richmond." on Tuesday, December 14, 10:25:41pm

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