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Date Posted: Thursday, July 08, 03:35:03pm
Author: Always a Duke
Subject: Well stated, TMH, especially your citations of TJ McConnell's accomplishments and his critics' comments. It is my observation that there are some McConnell haters out there who either minimize their accomplishments or just bad mouth TJ, his dad, or his aunt. More inside...
In reply to: TMH 's message, "Just some random thoughts." on Thursday, July 08, 01:32:15pm

While watching TJ play in the WPIAL or PIAA playoffs against West Allegheny, I heard 2guys sitting in front of me say that TJ shouldn't have been given a D-1 scholarship: "He's no Division 1 player," was said after he missed a few shots. I believe TJ ended up with 30 pts. and a ton of rebounds, assists & steals for the game. This comment was heard by TJ's family members who were sitting nearby. They kept silent when hearing this unwarranted criticism. While I was attending the WPIAL championship game, another guy, who seemed to be knowledgeable of high school B-ball, said that Mike White of the P-G inflates TJ's statistics just to play up to the McConnells. What an idiot!

I'm glad TJ will be playing for the Dukes and that his aunt is coaching the women's team. I think it is great that local talent from the Pittsburgh area like this is playing (TJ) or coaching (Suzie) for Duquesne rather than at a college in Philadelphia, North Carolina, central PA, or Oakland. I too plan on enjoying the ride. GO DUKES!

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  • I hope you are right (More) -- Rednbluz, Thursday, July 08, 03:49:29pm

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