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Date Posted: Friday, July 09, 12:49:14pm
Author: TMH
Subject: No..I meant small forward and power forward.
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "Did you mean SF and SG (2 and 3)?" on Friday, July 09, 12:27:54pm

I'm going to make the assumption that RE will go with a lineup similar to the last 2 seasons. #5 Saunders #4 Clark #3 Montiero (replacing Bolding) #2 McConnell (or someone else) #1 Evans. There was some discussion of moving A Peggau or Marhold into the #5 and sliding Saunders and Clark to the #4 and #3.
In my world, I'm thing that the A-10 defensive player of the year is doing alright defensively where he is and the farther you take him from the basket offensively, the less engaged he seems to be. I base that on his time playing with Williams last year. I do agree though that Clark's skills are far greater at the perimeter than Montiero, so I suggest switching those 2. If there is no difference between the positions in our style of play, then perhaps the point is moot.

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