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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 14, 09:14:09am
Author: El Duque
Subject: You know me, duq81, I appreciate people who are driven. But for me to admire and respect them, they must have at least a trace of decency, a conscience, and class. That's strike 1, 2 and 3 for that fat sack of stuff.
In reply to: duq81 's message, "I'll say this about Huggins, and about WVU. While I'll never totally forgive him for the elbow, he's the sort of hard a&& that I have to have a grudging respect for. As for WVU, nothing but respect for that program. They don't have to play us, and certainly not home and home. We currently bring little to the table in that series. They could have dropped us like Villanova did when they left the league, but they didn't. I rooted hard for them vs UK, and was happy that they won." on Wednesday, July 14, 07:10:56am

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  • I'll go out on a limb here: That was well put and I can say the same thing about Pitt. (NT) -- Stevie, Wednesday, July 14, 09:22:02am
  • Pitt's a little bit iffier. Unlike WVU, they really couldn't drop us without a bunch of negative press. That said, I do respect Dixon, and won't forget that he was at the hospital with RE during the BC upset. His players are also, much easier not to dislike than the 80's Pitt teams.DeJuan Blair is a good guy, and how can you not respect guys like Sam Young and Gary McGhee, who worked their tails off to become better players. Still want to whip their butts though!!! (NT) -- duq81, Wednesday, July 14, 09:48:37am

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