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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 14, 04:03:25pm
Author: A Friend of the LT
Subject: No offense Baseball, but the only thing that has the potential to bring in the dough is men's basketball. I understand your frustration but never in a million years will baseball at DU make money. I doubt baseball makes money at ANY school. It is always football or basketball. This is our chance and I applaud Greg for taking the risk.
In reply to: Baseball Joe 's message, "So in other words you knock out 4 sports, including baseball that had been at the university 122 years. You keep off-the-wall elitest sports like canoeing and lacrosse. Then you buy fancy seats, new rooms for the coaches and new player locker rooms. You pour in 5.5 million so you can bring in an extra $50,000." on Wednesday, July 14, 03:49:08pm

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  • Do you really, seriously believe that the goal of all of these changes is $50K in additional ticket revenue? I too was sorry to see baseball go, but the decision to keep rowing and lacrosse over baseball was made because of Title IX (both are women's sports). (NT) -- El Duque, Wednesday, July 14, 04:07:55pm

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