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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 30, 03:28:23pm
Author: TMH
Subject: There is a notable absence of information on this young man for a variety of reasons I suppose.
In reply to: duq81 's message, "Any info on this center? If nothing else, I like his size. You can only go so far without some quality size and bulk inside." on Tuesday, November 30, 01:30:52pm

On the upside, Slim has reported on the other board that a person with the same name played on the Senegal Olympic team in 1968 and 1972. I will assume it was his father. From the Trib article we can glean that he spent years in Senegal, Japan, Utah and now California among what I will assume is a lot of stops along the way. He appears to be the 3rd or 4th best player on his Juco team so far. I hope I am very very wrong but I see him replacing Theis in terms of both size and minutes. I see a project coming here with 3 years of eligibility. He seems more suited to a half court offense/defense. I don't recall seeing runs the floor well in his list of assets.We will continue to disagree duq81 on the need for truly big people in our system. I am far more comfortable with 6-6, 6-7 kids who can leap, run and has great instincts.

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