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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 30, 10:26:56pm
Author: El Duque
Subject: Ever really evaluate your life?
In reply to: pitts 's message, "No I do not got it." on Tuesday, November 30, 08:50:40pm

I can picture you, at the family Thanksgiving table, actually, at the kid's table. That's where they put adult men who still live with their parents.

You're trying to impress your 14 year old cousin, who has yellow teeth because he's been smoking for 5 years and he abandoned dental hygeine after first grade. You explain to him that your big thing in life is to log onto message boards under various names with the sole purpose of causing grief.

You pull out the new cell phone your Mama bought you (because you're still on her plan) and log onto your browser. You show off multiple posts on a Duquesne message board under different names, each of which painfully demonstrates your inability to read, process information, or write.

You are justly declared a loser by the 14 year old.

That's you.

Buzz off and get a life.

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