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Date Posted: Thursday, December 02, 08:49:28am
Author: ztown
Subject: Yes and Ron E.
In reply to: Rednbluz 's message, "Will Duquesne ever really be competitive? Can anyone get the team there? I'm sad this morning." on Thursday, December 02, 08:02:19am

That game last night was against a very legitimate Final Four team. They are 3 in the country right now and most analysts have them making a deep March run. We won 3 games a few seasons ago before RE, 3 games.
The task set before Coach on hire was monumental and he has responded. Not once, in my recollection, has he publicly regretted his decision to come here despite many challenges (previously substandard facilities, the shootings, lack of a fan base, the list goes on.) He believes this can be done.
I chatted with a fellow late 90’s alum last night while watching the game. He was a casual fan during our years on the Bluff (few were hardcores) but despite the ultimate outcome, he was quite impressed with what he saw in comparison to the teams of the past. I think perspective helps in recognizing the steady, albeit slow, rise to relevance. As a long suffering fan, I see more bright spots than ever before: AJP improvements, CEC as a second home, talented recruits who look hungry, a student section that is actually loud. Sure there are things to fix but don’t give up on these guys. Actually, it’s good to hear that fans are sad. It sure beats apathy.

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  • Here's a good sign for our program. I would have never dreamed this would happen...Link (NT) -- ztown, Thursday, December 02, 09:02:46am

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