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Date Posted: Friday, December 03, 08:16:27pm
Author: TMH
Subject: You can say what you want about Jamie Dixon but Aaron Gray played basketball in my neck of the woods.
In reply to: CLK 's message, "It seems like our gus never get much bigger (bulk up) over the course of their careers at DU like kids at other programs do. Does anybody else think that?" on Friday, December 03, 07:59:27pm

For a 7 footer he was far from impressive. I couldn't believe the metamorphisis that took place in his red shirt season. He was unbelievably bigger and stronger and it showed in his play on the court.

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  • CLK do you want the trut Big time DIV I football programs train with HGH (No test yet to detect) Very easy for trainers or fellow athletes to provide the basketball players with the steroid(HGH) The Head coaches see nothing and the kids look like a pro football linebacker. What would most kids do @ 19 to get a shot at the pros. Yes I was a critic of our weight program but its not the fault of the weight training coach its called Big Time NCAA BCS programs. The NCAA is a joke ! (NT) -- Dukes81, Saturday, December 04, 08:42:01am

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