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Date Posted: Saturday, December 04, 09:44:58am
Author: El Duque
Subject: What does that have to do with anything? Having ready your followup posts, I would tell you that you come across as ignorant on multiple fronts. I'm certainly not what you would call a "PC" type of person, but the things you have stated would have never crossed my mind.
In reply to: lilpav30 's message, "and what's your credentials may i ask?" on Friday, December 03, 11:31:31pm

Jamie Dixon recruits the players he thinks will help him win. Period. I do not believe that he favors African-American kids over Caucasion kids, or kids from Europe, etc.

The fact that he has not won an NCAA Tournament does not make him less of a coach. A lot of guys out there considered "premium" coaches have never won one either. PJ Carlesimo got to a Final 4 - who do you think is a better coach? Dixon gets his team to the NCAAs every year. Is that not what we want here?

I don't think race has anything to do with 3-point shooting. Tom Pipkins was one of the best three-point shooters Duquesne has ever had. Billy Clark is the best we have now.

Now, I don't have anything further on the topic, because I'm not a Pitt fan. But as a Duquesne fan, I am embarrassed by some of your statements and the ignorance they represent. Princeton used to have a team full of white kids who could shoot threes and I don't recall a single NCAA Tournament championship for them.

I want the best 13 kids I can get. I wouldn't care if they came from Iceland and had blue skin from the cold.

And here are my credentials: As a child, I saw the Newark riots with my own eyes and still "somehow" grew up liking and respecting all people and not carrying foolish stereotypes in my mind. You sound like you're still young enough to learn and know better, and I hope that turns out to be the case.

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