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Date Posted: Saturday, November 20, 10:48:11am
Author: El Duque
Subject: Since K-State and Texas Tech were also involved, my guess is ...
In reply to: CLK 's message, "The Broward coach is trying to do something good to help support our troops, and clearly Ron is not the only coach trying to help. DU may have violated some stupid rule, but to imply that the Broward coach is not being honest or is on the take is very poor." on Saturday, November 20, 10:29:35am

The NCAA takes a pair of sneakers and a t-shirt from those programs. DU will lose 10 scholarships, be banned from the A-10 tournament for 5 years, and be banned from the NCAA tournament for 10 years.

But since we haven't been there since '77, we'll get time off for good behavior.

Kidding, of course. I don't think there's anything here worthy of sanctions. Even the $360 check - Amodio might've told Everhart that since this headache is his doing that he needed to make good with the kid. The kid, by the way, should at least keep his scholarship.

Doesn't sound to me like the kid was trying to make trouble.

Biting my tongue on other issues for the sake of abiding by the "Media Wars" peace. :o)

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