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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 08:33:51am
Author: CLK
Subject: After three games

It seems like we have a tendency as fans to lean more towards the negative than the positive. I guess that it going to take awhile to shake off the residual effects of the Colleary, Edger, Porter, Nee era. Ron Everhart is doing a great job in busting through the Dukes=Flukes mindset he inherited. He is not perfect, but who is? He has however done what has seemed impossible in turning DU into a winningh program. So just for this thread (and in the spirit of Thanksgiving)I would propose that we focus on what we like about this team. Here are mine.

1) After getting embarrassed our guys came out with a chip on their shoulders and took care of business on Monday. They need to keep this intensity going.

2) Bill Clark has come to play this year. He has been nothing less than spectacular this year.

3) Damien. Though his first two games were sub par by Saunder standards, maybe due to ankle problems, we all know what he is capable of.

4) Our freshman class. All four guys are contributing. TJ is amazing. It just seems like good things happen each time he touches the ball.

5) BJ is playing more aggressively this year. His game is taking the ball to the hoop. If he avoids the temptation of forcing threes (just take it in the flow of the game) he will be a terrific player.

6) The early play of Johnson, Marhold, and Rod. Contrary to some views I think Rod is getting better, and in right circumstances can help this team.

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