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Date Posted: Sunday, October 31, 10:56:51am
Author: VBC
Subject: Greg, I agree with your point that the best cheerleaders at the tryouts should make the squad regardless of ethnicity.
In reply to: Greg 's message, "Good stuff except for the nonsense on minority cheer leaders. Whoever trys out trys out and hopefully the best make it...frankly the BIGGER isue to me is the weight....I hope these young ladies are in shape like cheerleaders should be. Uh oh...her come the PC police." on Sunday, October 31, 09:36:50am

However, we are a large urban university with a diverse student body. It would seem to me that over the course of a decade or more there would be some number of minority cheerleaders making the squad just as there were when I was in school in the 70s. My guess is that minority girls are not trying out for the squad. That makes me wonder why they don't try out. The dance team has had ethnic diversity in this time, why not the cheerleaders? It makes me wonder if there is something that makes minority women uncomfortable with trying out for the squad. I wouldn't have a clue as to what that would be, if it is indeed the case.

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