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Date Posted: Sunday, November 07, 12:41:21am
Author: RayR
Subject: Good suggestion shushurara, Magee was a great teacher of the fundamentals of the game such as free throw shooting, taking care of the ball, and playing sound defense. His record speaks for itself. It amazes me that Everhart as a former guard himself hasn't gotten these guys to improve their techniques on the line. Maybe it's tiime to bring someone on board who can get these guys to hit 70% of their foul shots. A 10% improvement could mean the differnce between a 16-17 win season and a 20 plus win season.
In reply to: shushurara 's message, "Why don't they bring in a Herb Magee for two days and teach them how to shoot Free throws? You really can learn how to improve on the line." on Thursday, November 04, 04:51:22pm

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