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Date Posted: Friday, November 12, 06:22:37pm
Author: Purduke
Subject: Heavens. I've got a Duke prospect in my own backyard and I didn't even realize it.
In reply to: old fan36 's message, "Kader Tapsoba" on Friday, November 12, 01:51:34pm

He actually plays at Tyler JC. Local program. Lightly used reserve last year; around 8th man this year.

Only saw one of their games last year, he played maybe 3 minutes. Has some athleticism; challanges every thing near the hoop but he didn't really strike me as a DIV 1 type prospect. Team has a couple DIV 1 kids and usually plays against a few within the league.

It's better JUCO ball than you would see in Western PA or Jersey, but it's hard to imagine him coming into Atlantic 10 as a junior and having much of a career. But ......

now that I know there is a real Duquesne Duke prospect locally I will have to go watch a couple games. Of course it is still HS Football season down here so nobody is allowed to go to their games until December. Just kiddin'.

Here is the local JUCO link for Tyler Athletics


and here is the Conference link with summary stats by game etc.


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