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Date Posted: Saturday, November 13, 10:48:19am
Author: El Duque
Subject: Major props to the local reporters

Had a moment to glance at the pre-game coverage by the locals. Nice work all the way around. Colin Dunlap said nice things about Alan Robinson, the AP reporter who is responsible for those Duquesne stories in the Seattle newspapers and other major media outlets across the country. Alan always finds good stuff.

Reminded me of the days when the press room at halftime of Dukes games was a place of awe and wonder for me as a budding journalist. The local media - a young Phil Axelrod, the veteran Russ Franke, the sports editors (Pat Livingston, Phil Musick), the TV guys, and the occasional visit by the legends (Myron Cope) - creating a nice buzz and intelligent sports conversation. Mostly I just enjoyed listening and learning as a young guy, especially when Cope was holding court.

And as a Jersey guy, it was fun for me when Rutgers was in town and the local (Star-Ledger) guys were in the Civic Arena.

One of my favorite memories was when some guy from one of the papers "in the sticks" gave me a tongue lashing because I had let out an "Oh, yeah!" after a great play by the Dukes once. The guy - he was about 30 years old - lectured me for five minutes on "having decorum" on the sideline. As he was winding down, one of the veterans walked over to him and said, "Hey Dave, lighten up. The kid's still a student. Let him enjoy the games. He has plenty of time to turn into an old fart like you after he graduates."

Also, Dave Mackall had a great quote by RE on Joel Wright. While I know the guys who cover the Dukes could give a flying crap less about anything I write, Mackall "answered" the question I had the other night about Joel Wright: "You've got to understand your role," Everhart said. "If you don't play the way we want you to play, if you don't do the things your taught in practice, you're going to have to sit and watch until you understand what to do."

On top of that, I want to say again how highly I thought of the coverage in the Duke. Great stories, great headlines. Great quotes from the players.

I feel pretty well-prepared for today's game. I expect the Dukes to come out running, and to do so until the final buzzer. Billy Clark will have a career day. TJ and Mike Talley will dazzle. Andre Marhold will be a monster. BJ will bring the crowd to its feet. Dukes will win 103-51.

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