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Date Posted: Monday, November 15, 03:39:50pm
Author: TMH
Subject: IMHO, the starting lineup should be a given but I'm just a spectator.
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "I think Damian, Bill and BJ start regardless because they are the best three players we have. TJ seems to be a given now, so the question is Peggau vs. Johnson." on Monday, November 15, 03:03:41pm

Robert Morris is our next opponent. They will likely start 3 guards and 2 forwards. We already have a decisive edge underneath the basket. We outrebounded them 51-36 last year and they had Robinson & Green. This year's team was out outrebounded by a smallish McGill team (a Canadian D-2 equivalent). The key will be containing Abraham and you need a guard with quickness to do that.
I would start TJ at the point and put him on Jones, SJ on Abraham and BJ, Clark and Saunder underneath. The amount of time the bench gets will be directly related to the score, ensuing matchups and foul situation.

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