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Date Posted: Monday, November 15, 05:47:26pm
Author: Seen on Miltenberger St
Subject: I have no issue with them playing a D2 to open the season. Would have liked a low level D1 team, but as you stated, St Frank dropped out. THe Dukes have theior hands full starting Friday(RMU, Pitt, PSU, WVU, GMas, GrnBay)
In reply to: Phoenix Rising 's message, "Opening with a D-2 Opponent" on Monday, November 15, 04:20:20pm

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  • We also were going to play Portland but the deal fell through. Given the circumstance I would have gone with the D2 school as well. Switching gears, a friend of mine asked if TJ could be the next Bill Zoph. I thought about that, and although freshman were not eligible back then, and Bill was left handed, in one respect his hustle, leadership, and drive to win could be a comparison. (NT) -- CLK, Monday, November 15, 06:17:08pm
  • That's a tall order, CLK. -- VBC, Monday, November 15, 06:44:28pm

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