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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 17, 12:37:46pm
Author: philldogg
Subject: Ditto on the broadcast. it was difficult to watch. I have seen other games that are network quality from channelsurfing , too bad we are left with this.
In reply to: CLK 's message, "Hey buddy. Hope you are doing well. Like a dummy I signed up for the $80 subscription thinking the feed would be better than Channel Surfing. Wound up watching on Channel Surfing because I could not get a full screen on the DU site. The production from DU is as bad as last season. Single camera, no broadcasters only crowd noise. The radio audio was out of sync with the video. I love my school but this reflects very badly." on Wednesday, November 17, 12:12:22pm

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  • Look inside for an e-mail reply I received from the Duquesne assistant director of athletic media relations. Things will be getting much better. -- Always a Duke, Wednesday, November 17, 06:50:18pm
  • Thanks for following up on this my friend. Sounds like it will be really great once they get it up and running. Go Dukes! (NT) -- CLK, Thursday, November 18, 07:45:45am

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