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Date Posted: Saturday, October 23, 12:11:26pm
Author: Abdul Rahman
Subject: Fan Fest - Fox Sports 970

Listened to the broadcast this a.m. with Greg Linnelli at 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. from fanfest. A recap follows :

First interview was with coach RE. Some interesting observations ( at least to me ) were :

1) He seems genuinely enthused with this group, especially the frosh. He really talked them up ( especially Talley and TJ ). At one point he called TJ "The best passer he ever saw." Hopefully he is correct and TJ is at least as good as Bob Cousy or John Stockton or Majic Johnson ( JUST KIDDING !!! ).

2) He said that it will be a pleasure not having to deal with "some of the issues" that occurred with last years team. The first public confirmation that the chemistry was not ideal.

3) Really praised Damian and Bill C, even admitted that Bill "did not shoot the ball well at times last year". Expects big senior year from both players.

4) Really wants to return to the "Run and gun" style from 2 years ago. Look for shots to go up quickly and fly from everywhere.

5) No real comments on Andre, Sean, BJ, David T. or Rodrigo.

Comments from J. Durham that I found "Interesting" were :

1) He call Damian - "Sanders" and not "Saunders". Gotta work on that as he is the best player on the team. The broadcaster should get the name correct.

2) RE likes this coaching staff as opposed to last years. He is able to recruit much more and trust these guys when he is away.

There were also interviews with Susie M, and Ray G. Both seemed upbeat about hte upcoming season and expect good times to roll on the Bluff.

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