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Date Posted: Sunday, October 24, 02:53:30pm
Author: UncivilDKizzle
Subject: Sorry for the late post, but my girlfriend was visiting for the weekend so I didn't get a chance to post something. I know most of this has been covered by now but here's my writeup anyway (inside)
In reply to: CLK 's message, "Fan Fest" on Friday, October 22, 06:15:53pm

The event was very nice. Attendance was a bit low, though by the end a decent number of people had showed up. In the end it was more than I expected, given the 9 AM start time. The scrimmage was exciting and held a fair few surprises. Here's my player-by-player analysis.

Andre Marhold- Looked great to me. I've speculated about his future post-surgery, but if he continues as he has thus far, he could be a major part of this team.

Mike Talley- As others have said, he's very quick. He handles the ball very well. In the past I've said that, given the enormous attention paid to TJ, Mike Talley might surprise everyone. That was certainly the case yesterday, but the season is a long one. Also, having never interacted with Mike before, he was extremely nice.

Joel Wright- By far made the biggest impression on me. When he stole the ball from Damian and dunked on him, I was extremely impressed. He very well could be the first freshman to start.

Eric Evans- Didn't play a ton but looked very solid. I expect him to do really well this year.

Jerry Jones- Didn't stand out aside from one scoring run, but didn't stand out for any negative reasons either. Probably too early to tell.

TJ McConnell- Didn't live up to his name. He shot terribly and knew it. He was pretty angry with himself afterwards. He's played well enough in the past that this was probably a fluke, but it's good that he recognized his poor play.

BJ Monteiro- Had a few nice plays and looked good overall, but since I was mostly watching the freshmen I didn't pay much attention to him. I'd imagine he'll have a really good year.

Damian Saunders- He was himself. Had some great plays on both ends of the court. It wasn't his best performance but it also didn't count for anything.

Bill Clark- Played extremely well. I'd love to see him shoot the 3 all season as well as he did yesterday.

Sean Johnson- Didn't play and seemed in a terrible mood afterwards. He's usually a really nice guy so I was surprised.

Rodrigo Peggau- Has he finally come into his own? He's always been a bit on-again off-again with great games followed by stretches of mediocrity, so maybe it's just that. Or maybe he's prepared to surprise everyone this season.

Derrick Martin- Looked a bit uncomfortable, but only having started practice on Thursday will do that. I hope he's more ready before the season starts.

The autograph session was also really nice, and I was pleased that there was no pressure from any direction. Though I know many of the players, I saw that they were very friendly to fans, and a lot of people managed to get multiple autographs, pictures taken, and chat with them.

Here's a couple pictures I took of my haul:

My Bill and Damian photo prints, now signed. I also got my Bill Clark jersey signed but forgot to take a picture.

My team shoes, singed by the rest of the team (as well as Ron Everhart and Jason Duty, who happened to be there). Also my custom cover for the NCAA basketball video game signed by Eric Evans.

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