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Date Posted: Thursday, October 28, 01:15:59pm
Author: El Duque
Subject: Combative little thing, ain't ya? No, if you read my post, I said I went looking for Colin's story. See, the subject matter here isn't a personnel decision, it's a verbal commitment. The University hasn't released anything on this topic because it can't comment on a kid who hasn't signed. Heck, I'm all for hearing and reading about prospects.
In reply to: Just sayin 's message, "And if Colin had broken the story first, you would have slammed him for posting rumor and innuendo. It is not official until the University announces it. Hasn't that always been your position?" on Thursday, October 28, 12:53:12pm

Personnel matters are a little different because sometimes information can go out a little too fast and it can lead to problems, including legal problems. That was my point then.

PS - where were you when I was handing out props to all our reporter types recently? Did you miss that, or are you only here to stir up $#!+?

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