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Date Posted: Thursday, September 09, 12:49:53pm
Author: Always a Duke
Subject: Get your checkbook our right now and march down to Duquesne's Athletic Office and get a photo of your giving Greg Amodio a check for $300 (photo to be posted on this site) because the fans from our three opponents will not outnumber the Duquesne fans at the Consol. Where do you think all of these Xavier, Dayton and WVU fans are coming from? More inside...
In reply to: DuqOfEarl 's message, "Again, now you also totally miss the point. The only reason they didn't outnumber Duq. fans was because the games were held in the Palumbo. THAT-is-the-Point! With all the extra available seats at Consul, I guarntee that we will be out numbered this season for these 3 games. If we're not, I promise to donate $100 to the Duq. atheletic fund for each game that our fans attendance exceeds theirs." on Thursday, September 09, 12:09:54am

When the Dukes played Pitt last year, I would say that the crowd was 50% Duquesne fans and 50% Pitt fans. Maybe I may have slightly overestimated the Dukes' crowd so perhaps it was a 45% Duquesne crowd to 55% Pitt crowd. Keep in mind that most of Pitt's fans live in Allegheny County, which would mean minimal travel on their part. So the Dukes play their cross town rival at the Mellon Arena and even with all the local draw of Pitt fans and alumni, it is arguable that Pitt does not outdraw Duquesne.

If Xavier or Dayton bring three or four busloads of fans from Cincinnati & Dayton, respectively, I'd be amazed. There are no more than 1,000 Dayton or 1,000 Xavier alumni (I'm being generous on those numbers) living in all of western PA, yet alone Allegheny County. Not all of those alumni will be going to the Consol to see their respective schools get pounded by the Dukes. Futhermore, I can't imagine that there are more than 50 non-alumni fans of each school in all of western PA. At best Dayton has 750 fans and Xavier has 500 fans at the games played at the Consol.

As far as the Mountaineer fans are concerned, I'll grant you that they are geographically closer that the other two opponents and they do travel very well. Given that our game is in the early part of the basketball season (Dec 12), most of the Mountaineer fans will be thinking about their football team and their victory over Pitt on Nov 26. Heck, the couches will still be burning in Morgantown & surrounds well into December in celebration of 'eers win over Pitt. At best, they might have 2,000-2,500 fans at the Consol. Duquesne still will have more fans than that.

Your worries are unfounded. But I appreciate your contribution of $300. See you at the Consol. GO DUKES!

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