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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 15, 11:43:05am
Author: Purduke
Subject: Yes, it was a long time ago, but ....
In reply to: Shushurara 's message, "Sundays at the Arena with a full house were great. That was a long time ago. How long is the waitlist for season tickets at Palumbo? That's why the comparison to Nova doesn't work. They sell out the campus site preseason and then sell out their Wells Fargo (nee Wachovia Center) games in hours." on Friday, September 10, 11:08:22am

.....that wasn't the original point, correct. It was that no major team would move from their "home court advantage just for a "couple sheckles" - truth is lots of teams would -- you have the entire Palestra crowd with serious programs like Villanove, Temple and St. Joe that do it regularly, and them move to Wachovia for the "serious, serious" sheckles. UConn plays more games in hartford than Storrs. The truth is that anybody that plays in a 5k to 6k arena, IF they can get a Top 20 team at home will almost always move the game to a larger arena if it is available to them. The real question is "Can you be a serious program with only a 6,200 seat home court?"

And the fact we can't fill it, well that is evidence that we aren't ready to be a winning program yet. But it doesn't mean that we don't need our fair share of sheckles to get there.

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