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Date Posted: Monday, September 20, 05:49:55pm
Author: VBC
Subject: Speaking of long term memory...
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "There are plenty of D1 football and basketball players that get so much more at certain schools. Of course, the sustained success of these programs has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue, from which the schools have benefitted. Without sounding naive, my reason for not paying collegiate athletes is more about separation of amateur and professional athletics. And yes, I understand that the lines are blurrier than my long-term memory." on Monday, September 20, 05:00:47pm

...a friend of mine played football at Duquesne before WW2. When he came back he went to Kent State to finish his last two years. I asked him why not return to Duquesne and he said, "Becuase Kent State paid me more money." He said it was common practice in those days for schools to pay players legally under the rules of the time.

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