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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 21, 07:25:04am
Author: UncivilDKizzle
Subject: I'm sure there are student athletes who could use this, but they aren't Duquesne basketball players. I'm not sure how much is safe to say but I can assure you they get plenty, where stipends are concerned.
In reply to: CLK 's message, "I will take the minority view and say I see nothing wrong with a small stipend of say not to exceed $25.00 a week, given the amount of money some of these Universities are making off these kids. Some kids don't have enough money to buy a pizza, or do laundry. The NCAA rules are way too restrictive." on Tuesday, September 21, 07:04:33am

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  • opening pandora's box. $25 becomes $100 becomes $500, meanwhile the "students" tuition goes up to pay for these stipends. Then som booster takes it upon himself to "help out", and the programs gets killed. (NT) -- Seen on Miltenberger St, Tuesday, September 21, 09:10:41am

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