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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 21, 06:00:34pm
Author: alan
Subject: No--the contract is free tuition for playing in return
In reply to: CLK 's message, "Should student athletes be paid?" on Monday, September 20, 10:26:33am

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  • While it would obviously be challenging, some doctoral accounting student should step up and write a thesis on the actual $ value that these students bring to a university. I certainly enjoy college athletics but as a purely financial investment, in terms of raising the visibility and profile of an institution, are they actually worth it? Obviously, there is a big difference in the value of a starter and a tackling dummy but I wonder how often the individual is worth the money paid in terms of tuition, room and board, training resources, "stipends", etc. (NT) -- ztown, Wednesday, September 22, 11:23:55am
  • Good employees make a lot for their companies but their intellectual additions are the property of the company. Besides, would a student athlete at less than an athlete at duke? And would a swimmer end up paying the university because there is unrecovered costs?Logic is flawwed. (NT) -- alan, Wednesday, September 22, 10:46:32pm
  • Right, this is challenging as increased visibility, profile and the other intangibles that athletics bring is difficult to quantify but bean counters love these kinds of questions. -- ztown, Thursday, September 23, 08:43:13am

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