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Date Posted: Thursday, December 16, 09:57:17am
Author: Grands
Subject: Confirmed With Jim Satalin
In reply to: Ron 70 's message, "Second half inbound" on Monday, December 13, 08:06:28pm

Yes Matt W. interpretation is incorrect. I checked with Jim Satalin supervisor of A-10 officials to confirm whose responsible for swirching the direction of the arrow at halftime (the referee or offical scorer). I am a PIAA basketball official and in the high school rules the referee is responsible for switching the error before he leaves the court at halftime. Mr. Satalin confirmed to me the rule book states the referre is responsible to switch the arrow. Jim Burr was the referee and we all see him almost every night refing the big games on TV, especially Big East games. I commented before the game to Dukes fans around me that I was worried we were going to be Big East homerd by Jim Burr. The day before Jim Burr did the Pitt vs. Tennessee game and every call he made was in Pitt's favor. But, I will say thet Jim Burr and his crew did a good job officiating the Dukes vs. WVU game except for the arrow issue. The Pitt game against the Dukes I thought Pat Driscol a Big East official did a horrible job officiating favoring Pitt, not that it would have changed the game outcome, but gave Pitt an advaantage it already had.

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  • NCAA Rule 6, Section 1, Article 2 - "The second half shall start with the team that controlled the alternating possession arrow at the end of the first half given disposal of the ball at the division line opposite the scorers’ table." NCAA Rule 6, Section 2, Article 4 - "Before the start of the second half, the direction of the possession arrow shall be changed (to account for the teams switching ends of the court), indicating that the team that the arrow favored at the end of the first half shall maintain that status to start the second half." Grands. thanks for your research. (NT) -- Phoenix Rising, Thursday, December 16, 10:08:28am

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