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Date Posted: Thursday, December 23, 01:36:53am
Author: duqfan14
Subject: it would have been nice if we could have finished games against rmu and wvu so this one wouldnt hurt as much, but 0-5 against rpi top 150 ooc is what it's lookin like. one positive I did come away with was knowing I'll be able to watch TJ for the next four years. on the other hand, despite how much talent DS and BC have, I was very disappointed in their shot selection at times during the game. (more inside)
In reply to: Alan 's message, "We are sliding back into irrelevance." on Wednesday, December 22, 10:41:09pm

DS has shown he can make threes IF HES OPEN (@GB, PSU), but he threw up too many garbage shots near the paint and continually went up out of control without gathering himself and going up strong. one drive after a faked 3 he had an open lane and tried to pull off a ridiculous reverse. and as good as Bill can be from three, the odds are greatly against him when he is fading away with a hand in his face. it seems he feels that if he can get a shot off it goes. this isn't a rip against these players, because I understand how vital they were to even remaining close last night. but if they played with the smarts of our freshman guards last night and play within the natural flow of the offense, the outcome might have been different. these guys both have a ton of potential and could help improve the team if they played a lil smarter. one other thing to pick at is the need we've had all year on defense to leap out at guys as they're releasing three point shots(i think BJ and Damian in particular). it seems like it doesn't affect the opponents ability to make deep shots, and in addition, takes rebounders out of the play from an already rebounding-weak team. we aren't playing tight on guys when they take the shot in the first place, so our rebounding might improve a lil if everyone was comitted to crashing the boards and boxing out every shot.

looking forward to the rest of this year and hoping we can turn it around in time for A-10

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  • at least we know how to handle IUPUI better than the #2 and #7 teams in the nation (San Diego St. struggled to beat them 56-54 tonight) (NT) -- duqfan14, Thursday, December 23, 01:43:56am

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