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Date Posted: Thursday, September 02, 07:53:27pm
Author: DuqOfEarl
Subject: More bad news for West Va. - Porch couches are starting to be banned in Pennsyl. Could West Va. be next?
In reply to: DuqOfEarl 's message, "Two WVU basketball players issued citations" on Wednesday, September 01, 07:18:14am

Hazleton(Pa)City council could ban porch furniture.


Hazleton Heights resident Ramon Torres enjoys relaxing on his front porch in the confines of an olive green upholstered living room chair.
The upholstered chair is tucked into a corner, near a mix of interior and exterior chairs used by other members of his family.
"It's not a problem to me," Torres said Friday of his decision to keep indoor furniture outside. "We use them."
But Hazleton City Council will soon vote on the final readings of an ordinance that could pull the seat out from under Torres and other residents who place interior furniture outside their homes.
Council recently voted 4-1 on the first reading of an ordinance that prohibits the use of interior furniture outside a structure. Councilwoman Evelyn Graham cast the sole "no" vote.
Graham believes city government is overstepping its bounds when dictating what residents can and can't do with furniture.

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