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Date Posted: Monday, September 06, 10:38:55am
Author: Marquis
Subject: A New Strategy to Get Local Press Coverage

(Copied from the Duquesne Football Forum since the coverage issue applies to basketball as well)

How in the world can the Duquesne Press Box be full (it was) and there still be no story of the Bucknell game in the local Sunday Papers? It was a beautiful opening game evening with a good crowd, Pitt had played earlier, a Patriot League opponent, the NEC is now a legitimate NCAA FCS Playoff Conference, with three radio broadcasts (one nationally) and neither the Press nor Trib had even a wire service summary. The Press had a nice picture of the Dukes swarming under the Bucknell QB for a loss so they were aware that there was a game, but not one word in print. There was more national and Bucknell media there than local and the field is within two miles of both papers offices.

Robert Morris was covered. So was St. Francis, Cal. CMU, IUP, Edinboro, Westminster, St. Vincent, Grove City, Allegheny, Bethany, and Seton Hill, but a nationally recognized (Forbes and USN&WR)Tier I University with over 10,000 students right in the heart of the city playing a home game in a FCS, Division I Conference was not.

The game didn't last that late so there was time to patch together wire service copies from out of town. Duquesne couldn't have played closer to the heart of Pittsburgh if they moved the game to Point Park.

I advise playing the next home game on the roof of the Tribune Review Building or on the street outside the PG Building. Either that or move the entire university to some small town in northern West Virginia and change conferences to D-III to get an article in the "College Round-Up" section of the "local" press.

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