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Date Posted: Friday, September 10, 02:21:24pm
Author: Always a Duke
Subject: I frankly don't see how Villanova will have the resources to pull this off. Secondly, even if they can raise the funds, I seriously wonder would Philly really support a FBS team. As I recall, Temple never really had reasonally good attendance even when they had winning seasons. Villanova's best bet is to stay a member of the best FCS conference, the CAA. Having been to a game at Villanova's stadium a few years ago when they played Delaware, I can say that the stadium is dated & in great need of upgrading even to match the faclities of many of the other CAA schools.
In reply to: DuHope 's message, "Leave it to the Big Least, as other conference try to expand upward, they go after a non-Division 1 program that needs to increase seating capacity 3,000 just to reach the minimum and add 22 scholarship just to reach the minimum. This addition will certainly make the conference suck even more. Make it less of an attraction and be argument for losing the BCS automatic bid. Rumor has the Big Least is also considering adding the Community College of Harrisburg." on Friday, September 10, 01:54:11pm

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