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Date Posted: Friday, September 10, 08:33:52pm
Author: DuHope
Subject: Don’t get wrong, I think it’s a great move for Villanova. I think it’s a terrible move for the big east. The Big Ten added Nebraska, The Pac-10 added Utah and the Big East adds Villanova? They are not keeping up with Jones.
In reply to: Simms 's message, "The soccer stadium is also 30 minutes from campus. Look, I think it's great that Nova is attempting this. Good for them. In fact, anyone ripping the idea is just tasting sour grapes. If Duquesne was ever in the remote position to go to FCS we would be elated. Still, I think the move is going to be extremely challenging. I actually think Umass could pull it off better." on Friday, September 10, 06:06:24pm

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  • Sour grapes, Simms? You're rather shortsighted to disregard the tremendous financial burden that Villanova will place itself in by making a move to a FBS football conference of questionable stability & quality. Furthermore, Villanova adds little to the Big East's football stature. Note that a big state school such as UCONN can more easily raise funds for new or leased facilities & additional scholarships, including those to meet Tile IX requirements, than can private schools. Philly has a lousy record in supporting college football based on Temple's experience. (More inside...) -- Always a Duke, Monday, September 13, 01:09:55am
  • You also have bowl game revenue to consider along with TV. Like was already said, there will be a period of a few years where Nova will struggle to compete. The question is long run, can/will Nova put up the facilities and $$ where they can challenge to be 7-5 or 8-4 every year and get the bowl money as well? And is the extra $600k for bowl $$ worth it for the expenses? Which private school will they be more like - Baylor and Northwestern (where I'd stay put) or Syracuse Stanford and TCU (leave). (NT) -- Rogabee, Monday, September 13, 01:48:22pm

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