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Date Posted: Friday, September 10, 09:16:32pm
Author: Phoenix Rising
Subject: One other thing; teams can play in an exempt tourney every year. They changed the rule a few years ago when you were limited to playing in only 2 exempt tourneys every 4 years. The only rule that I'm aware of is that you can't play in the same exempt tourney for 5 years, so the Dukes can't be invited back to the CBE for 4 more years. This change of the exempt rule has hurt teams like the Dukes;because now larger BCS schools can play every year in some exempt tourney. The exempt organizers want these large schools with a large fan base for attendance vs. a school like Duquesne.
In reply to: Phoenix Rising 's message, "TMH, it is puzzling why the Dukes aren't in some tourney this year. RE's yr 1 they went to Toronto for preseason; nothing for the season. Yr 2 they went to the Drake invite, playing Cal St. Northridge & Drake. Yr 3 nothing (but had Carolina trip over Thanksgiving). Yr 4 was CBE Classic; that was originally planned for Boca Raton but changed by CBE at the last minute to W. Carolina. I understand that you need to get invited to these events & the Dukes for many reasons are not the ideal visitor-maybe a party crasher. But I do think coach & AD need to do a better job on this." on Friday, September 10, 08:57:24pm

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