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Date Posted: Thursday, September 16, 03:51:04pm
Author: DuHope
Subject: In cases like this that makes the NCAAA look like a joke. The "student athlete" barely spent two semesters at Kentucky before turning professional, and their worried about if he got a C instead of an A in a night class in high school. What difference does it make? Everybody knows he was there to play basketball for one season, why put on this farce. The NCAA, Kentucky, CBS or the American Consumer could care less about this dudes college education.
In reply to: CLK 's message, "Another one for Calipari to explain" on Thursday, September 16, 01:16:06pm

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  • I generally agree with the sentiment of your post "DU hope" but with a slimy character like Cal. you get him in any manner possible. The current situation benefits the NBA by giving the best freshmen a year of notoriety on a big stage; probably puts extra bucks in the pockets of a player like John Wall; who benefitted from tthe pubulicity at UK; and the slimy coaches like Cal; who can reload annually with semi professional players. (NT) -- Jules, Thursday, September 16, 04:49:30pm
  • The "one and done" rule is a bunch of nonsense that benefits the big name schools. If a kid is NBA ready after high school, let him go the NBA Sidney Crosby and Mario were in the NHL at 18, and I heard no complaints. Do it like baseball. If you go to college, you can't come out for 3 years. (NT) -- duq81, Thursday, September 16, 08:03:18pm

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