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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 21, 11:00:07pm
Author: El Duque
Subject: Were you at the Florida State game? That was at Palumbo but it had to be one of the most exciting games in Pittsburgh college basketball history.
In reply to: Alan 's message, "Nope, ED, I am a Pipkins-Powers-Lopes-Whitehead-Hunter-era man. So I will defer to you on the Arena crowds--but I just presumed that the journalist wouldn't be unscrupulous with his estimations" on Tuesday, September 21, 09:21:26pm

I was working at home that night with a news station on because I know they gave all the Top 25 scores. But just as the Dukes were making the game interesting, WINS stopped talking about it. Didn't have cable at the time, so no access to ESPN. So I called the courtside phone - which is only supposed to be used by reporters - for an update. DU had a young woman who was assistant SID and she was all caught up in the excitement. I asked if I could call back for the final score and she offered to keep me on the line and provide some play by play. It was great. It sounded like Palumbo was rocking big-time.

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