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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 03, 12:24:47pm
Author: DU4Life
Subject: He's not a great shooter, but a decent shooter, a gunner so to speak. Don’t get so caught up in numbers.
In reply to: TMH 's message, "On a normal college basketball team, BJ would likely be an ideal SF. I'm not sure he ever played SG in HS." on Monday, August 02, 11:36:03pm

To be in the 40’s would be great but unless you’re Jimmy Baron, 31 isn’t a horrible number. He is a prototypical 3 in that he can slash, shoot, rebound and defend. Agree he’s not a good ball handler. At 6'5'' in high school, unless you play at Oak Hill as Bill did, you're going to have to play inside. But yes, Bill has a slightly bigger build that BJ. He is more tenacious. Just look at their demeanors on the courts. Bill is more physical that BJ, not to say that BJ doesn’t mix it up in the middle, because he does. Not a stats guy, more of what guys can do on the court guy, but BJ’s blocked shots seem to stem from playing on the wing more where he has more freedom and can come from the weak side and block a shot or 2. Rebounding is getting in good position, using your body and being at the right place at the right time. Agree about sitting BJ and having him come off the bench. In order for Damian and Bill to have the seasons everyone wants, we need Rodrigo to start/play more minutes than last year and even get something out of Derrick Martin if possible. Damian and Bill can then play more to their true skill sets which will lead to better team success. BJ’s versatility can be an asset coming off the bench. He’s an upperclassman who’s been through it before and can replace damn near anyone in the starting lineup and the team will not much.

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