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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 04, 01:49:38pm
Author: Slim
Subject: Agree with Phoenix here...better now than later. The school made the previous announcement so it seems logical to me that they were working with Damian, Bill, and the sponsors of the tournament but just didn't get the assurances on compliance that they felt were necessary. We probably will never know the complete story unless a reporter asks the questions. But would rather have it this way than having them ruled ineligible at a more innopportune time.
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "Bad news for Damian and Bill..." on Wednesday, August 04, 12:39:40pm

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  • Did they go on the trip to Canada a couple of years ago? Maybe you can't go twice.. (NT) -- DuHope, Wednesday, August 04, 02:55:34pm
  • DuHope, as a D-1 team, I think the "team" can play internationally every 4 years. This is sanctioned by the NCAA with specific rules. In the case of a touring team such as the East Coast All Stars, the NCAA has minimal jurisdiction. But they do have full juridiction over a player and his eligibility, such as accepting benefits from outsiders. The key pertinent rule that I know of is that the trip must be paid for by the player or his family. BTW, I'm guessing that a trip like this would cost $2,000 to $2,500 per player. (NT) -- Phoenix Rising, Wednesday, August 04, 04:58:48pm

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