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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 04, 03:53:51pm
Author: El Duque
Subject: I was probably a little irresponsible to use the word "we." I am sure our compliance director (this isn't Greg's job and this isn't Ron's job to figure out) has been in touch with the NCAA for a while trying to figure it out. I'm reading between the lines, but my perception is that the NCAA hasn't clarified anything (surprise, surprise!) and we got cold feet, fearing these kids could lose eligibility.
In reply to: Econ69 's message, "Assuming that the guys have pay for trip, GA, RE and the department screwed up. They should have determined months earlier whether Damien and Bill could afford to go on this trip. Hopefully Colin or someone at the cookout tomorrow will ask a few questions otherwise the speculation, which has already started, will go on and on." on Wednesday, August 04, 03:09:18pm

Why, when eligibility issues are raised, the NCAA can't be more prompt and avoid causing problems for student-athletes, we'll never know.

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