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Date Posted: Thursday, August 05, 08:13:04am
Author: P of P
Subject: Maybe Duquesne is turning the corner in having a winning program. In the past, the players would have gone, the NCAA would rule against it, and the season would be shot to hell. Never underestimate the old Black Cloud that has been a curse for years. I think a real problem was dodged, but I feel bad for the players.
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "Bad news for Damian and Bill..." on Wednesday, August 04, 12:39:40pm

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  • Damian and Bill have done nothing to distinguish themselves to merit this trip. Let them stay home and work on their academic and training rituals rather than partying in Europe. (NT) -- Jason2012, Thursday, August 05, 08:51:36am
  • Are you serious? Damian Saunders has not distinguished himself? These are two great guys who work extremely hard at what they do. They absolutely deserved this trip. (NT) -- UncivilDKizzle, Thursday, August 05, 09:50:11am
  • And umm...in regard to academics, didn't I just read that Bill has graduated. (NT) -- ztown, Thursday, August 05, 10:04:55am
  • And regardless of which name you use for your posts, you have done nothing to indicate that you are anything but a troll. I presume that folks like you do stuff like this because you know you don't bring anything to the table. You would be better liked and more appreciated if, well, if you would simply stay away. (NT) -- El Duque, Thursday, August 05, 11:31:53am
  • Jason2012, it seems that many of your contributions to this B-ball forum are generally antagonistic and often ill-informed. I suppose this approach, while a bit juvenile, may attempt to stir things up from time to time and provide you some self amusement. Hopefully as you mature, your comments will become more productive. (NT) -- Always a Duke, Thursday, August 05, 11:34:25am

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