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Date Posted: Thursday, August 05, 11:42:50am
Author: Phoenix Rising
Subject: You can certainly read between the lines. I don't know any of these other players' circumstances. If their families are well off financially, then it's just like Mom and Dad funding their kid's Europe summer vacation. Also, these types of trips are usually set up on a payment deadline basis - a deposit was due probably early in the summer, and then 2 or 3 other payments were required until the full amount was paid before the trip commenced. It could be as simple as our players paid their deposit but couldn't come up with the money for the full payment.
In reply to: Jules 's message, "Is there any possibility that we need to read between the lines in this case? I don't know, but often there is a hidden agenda. Why would all of the other schools fall victim to potential penalties; or, are we just being more diligent?" on Thursday, August 05, 11:24:41am

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