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Date Posted: Monday, August 09, 05:21:06pm
Author: El Duque
Subject: But that's not what I've been saying. I've been critical of our sports information folks many times in the past because they take so long to get information out when things become pretty well known otherwise. I'm saying there are more considerations in the case of a personnel matter.
In reply to: MFE08 's message, "It's clear you don't like the way that the profession is... people get and keep jobs by their ability to get the stories. Perhaps that's why you got out of papers (just guessing based on what you've said)? Regardless, DU's media prowess reeks of a school that is still in the doldrums and they need to catch up. They have shown zero ability to control a story. DU needs better PR to show how things are improved, not to languish while other cities' papers and other schools reveal info about DU before anyone in Pittsburgh knows it." on Monday, August 09, 02:24:00pm

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