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Subject: *Grand entrance*

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Date Posted: 13:24:41 07/15/02 Mon
In reply to: Goddess&Dreams 's message, "*smile*" on 09:30:32 07/15/02 Mon

*Stallion takes powerful yet contained steps towards those inhabiting his lands. Pride touches his features at seing Characterstics and Goddess. Head is turned in the direction of a familiar voice, one this steed would never forget. Orbs rested 'pon son and grandson. Twins of a different generation. He could sense the strength within both of them, that line would do well together. Glance was given to HawkLash, a look that only father and son could share. Clash knew hte difference in HAwk, and he knew hte years comming would place HawkLash in the position Clash had willingly taken. Only this time, they played for keeps. Nuzzle was given to Dreams and a smile to Characteristics* I couldn't let you steal the show with your grand entrance now could I? *He smiled and nuzzles both Goddess and Characteristics then raised his heada to the two regal stallions who stood side by side* HawkFlight, I am glad that you have returned to us. Now Hawk here has two individuals to keep him in line. *He smiled, obvious pride in his gaze. He met his gaze to HawkLash's and the untold pased betwen them. an understanding between father and son, one Flight and Hawk would soon have. Clash nodded his head to HAwk as though sharing the empy feeling. Both had lost one there, Curious Flame and Hileigh had both left. Both taking a part of the two steed's hearts. That was the past and both had moved on. Never would they be forgotten, nor would the family at hand.*

(ooc: sorry for hte delay of Clash's arrival.. I wrote this really cool message and my comp froze so it didnt go through...)

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.indeed you steal my honors..characteristics of the unknown.20:37:28 07/15/02 Mon

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