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Subject: .indeed you steal my honors.

.characteristics of the unknown.
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Date Posted: 20:37:28 07/15/02 Mon
In reply to: Clash 's message, "*Grand entrance*" on 13:24:41 07/15/02 Mon

.a swift laugh, carried by a shaking of head at the filly's nudge. this might just work out after all, she watched as the gallant sire of her mate entered.

"Perhaps now that I am not the last to enter, they shall stop harrassing me."

.perspective is taken of mate and sire. like two peas meant for the same pod, yet flung into shells that did not fit them. but fit it did after they skipped into their rightful pods. a smirk upon features, as if in debate. returned nudge is given to 'father-in-law', before eyes alight . . . attention returning to filly. it was easier for her to acquaint herself with those younger than she. moving away from the group, she sang out to Goddess . . . for indeed this little one was just that. perfection in 'guise, at it's best . . .

"If it's alright, I would like to show Goddess the lays of the lands, sometime."

.but she did not just mean those of the light lands, she was beginning to believe it important that a foal had a grasp of both worlds . . . no harm would come to the filly though, of this she would promise herself. it was just something that seemed right to her . . . better to be prepared, rather than fight with the unknown.

.it's all about the upper hand.

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*Smart*Clash01:22:17 07/16/02 Tue

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