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Date Posted: 12:11:12 04/25/03 Fri
Author: Ginger
Subject: Anyone watch Survivor?? <spoilers inside>

ok what about last nights show?!? oh my gosh!!

I was soooooooo happy when Alex got the boot.. not because I didnt like him but he was acting so dang cocky like his little group just couldnt be beat! grrr and then to tell Rob that they would kick him off once they got to the final four.. why on earth would he tell him that!?! how dumb! Id have kicked him off too if he told me Id be out once we reached that point!

and Heidi needs to go next. I just dont like her. bleh

now, the reward challenge..I think Jenna was awful!! ok so her mom is sick and she wants news.. I can understand that.. but why the heck shouldnt Christy be allowed to get a letter from home too???? to be sooo rude towards her because she bid and won on her letter is just plain mean.At least Jenna got food! And she should be thanking Christy for letting her have a chance to win her own letter..if Christy hadnt agreed to it, she wouldnt have been able to...and what about Heidi.. why on earth did she vote against Jenna for a letter home the 2nd time around?!?! if shes such a good friend and all why not just let Jenna have the only bid!~? and did Christy even know about Jennas mom? they dont tell her everything..

ok now the IC.. why would Matthew vote for himself in the end??? he had to know that would make him lose... he had to have done it on purpose.. was that part of the plan??? to let Rob win it?? I dont get it.. Rob could have voted for Alex even if he didnt win immunity..

should be interesting now..

you have the 2 girls on one side

Christy, Matt and Butch on the other side..

and Rob as the swing vote..either a majority or a tie..

I think Id be pretty nervous if I was Heidi or Jenna right now.. they have put up a lot of walls towards the other people.

Id like to see Christy win it .. but I doubt itll happen... and if Rob is in the final two, he should get points for playing the game.. he has done a good job at that!

I think Im done rambling hehehehhe


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