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Date Posted: 12:14:33 04/25/03 Fri
Author: arglass
Subject: Thanks ladies for your responses regarding "my thang" w/Jordan (long again)

I was pretty much angry most of last night. I really couldn't talk about it cuz I'd cry and I had all these thoughts running through my mind. I did talk to DH about what had happened tho.

Here's what happened last night!

I get the kids from daycare. They were cheery. Jordan really didn't acknowledge me. He got his shoes on and went out to the car. Sandy did ask me if something was going on when I dropped him off (becuz he was outside for about 8 minutes). I said, you noticed he didn't get a haircut. And she said, yeah. However, that's all we said cuz another Mom came and I didn't have time to explain. Maybe I should have called her but I didn't.

In the car ride home, Jordan asked if he could play at Matt's. I said no. He asked if Alexis could. I didn't say anything. He asked me again, then I said we'll see. Usually he's like "why does she get to ...." but he didn't say anything.

He wanted to play outside and I said No, we need to do spelling words. He eventually wrote out his words. I made supper. I watched Days. We ate supper. Jordan wanted to go outside. I said we need to study your spelling words. He didn't want to. DH came home. Kids run upstairs to greet him. Jordan immediately said "Mom said I can't have anymore Yu-Gi-Oh cards" and something else I didn't hear.

Finally, we worked on spelling words and he did really good with them. He asked if he could go outside now (Alexis & DH were outside). I said sure for a little bit. He was out for about 1/2 hour.

You guys, Jordan really really needed a haircut. He chose not to have it done by Dorinda (which he later said he wanted her to cut it). So we took the shaver and buzzed it (I said to use the 1 inch size but I think DH used a smaller one -- not sure). Jordan does not like it and didn't want to go to school -- maybe embarrassed I'm not sure. He didn't fight tho about going. I'm really surprised he hasn't called me yet to say he didn't feel good!

Was it wrong for us to shave his head?!? I don't know but I sure wasn't going to take him back to Dorinda or anywhere else. I did tell him either Dorinda or we'll buzz it.

Thanks for letting me vent and ramble.


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